The ever changing blog…. So I started this blog for my photography and then decided I actually wanted to talk about things in life when I posted. I now have a facebook page for my photography please join if you haven’t already and now my blog will be for more of just me. So if you were here just for the picture thanks for following me and please stick around for the fun to come.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Today the blogger from Sunny Side Up came and walked to the hollar with me. She offered me some great tips and I am really excited to try them out =D Here are a few pictures using some of her tips and hopefully there will be many more to come. Also if you like nature pics you should check out Sunny Side Up and look at her pictures. They are awesome!!!


  1. These are just stunning Brittni!! We had SO much fun with you...(I was just going to send you an email!) I'll be posting soon on our adventure. I don't think you need too many tips from me, I think you are doing GREAT!
    Today our adventure will be on two wheels...lets see, traversing the hollar...riding a motorcycle....I'm not sure which one I like more!!
    Thanks sweetie!!

  2. Beautiful photos! You and Eve and Morgan had a great day!

  3. Very nice - keep up the good work. My secret to good photos is that with my digital camera I can take so many that one or two are bound to turn out okay.

  4. Hello again PJ (Or should I call you Princess?) I noticed that you became a follower of my blog. I am honored that you should consider my doodle blog worth following. Thank you very much.
