The ever changing blog…. So I started this blog for my photography and then decided I actually wanted to talk about things in life when I posted. I now have a facebook page for my photography please join if you haven’t already and now my blog will be for more of just me. So if you were here just for the picture thanks for following me and please stick around for the fun to come.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Stop and Smell the Roses

Things to do today:

Shower √
Bible study √
Cook breakfast √
Go to work √
Go to the store
Work out √
Cook diner
Watch the latest Criminal Minds episode
Complete assignments for online classes √
Hang out with friends √
Watch the news
Take a minute to stop and smell the roses! √
We live in a world that is so hectic! Most people have a million things to do every day, and often they forget to take a minute to stop and smell the roses.

Enjoy the beauty around you! When you are drinking your morning coffee or whatever you do, take a minute to step outside and look at the sunrise. See the beauty that surrounds us! We are blessed with so much, but we let stress and busy lives get in the way of what we have been given. We have been given life! A beautiful gift! We take it for granted...we complain and some of us decide to throw it away! You are in control of you own life. Embrace it!

There is a song titled 'It's not a Fashion Statement, It's a Death Wish' and the lyrics say "You get what everyone else gets, you get a lifetime!" That is one of the truest things I have ever heard! It doesn't matter what your last name is, if you have one or two parents, if you come from money, ect. Look at Tyler Perry, he was a homeless man and now he is a millionaire. He had a difficult childhood, but he did not let that stop him!

Do some yoga, go walking with a friend, take up a hobby you really love, find things that make you happy and make time for it! We can all do something to change the life we have if we do not like it. The thing is we have to DO SOMETHING! We can't sit by and expect things to change on their own!

~PJ Princess
~~~~It takes one stone to start a takes one idea to change the world!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Welcome to the PJ Princess blog site!

Who is the PJ Princess? I am a sister, daughter, granddaughter, cousin, niece, friend, and avid photographer. I am the girl next door. I am a 20 year old who looks about 15 but acts about 70! Crazy, I know!

Yes, I am 20 (well, almost 21) years old; however, most people who know me say that I think like a 70 year old...haha. As in I usually side with parents rather then my friends, because I know the parents only want what is best for their children (a concept teens rarely understand), but I have always been like that. Even as a teenager in middle school, I always knew years from now most things won't really matter and that it is best to be disliked for who you are rather than loved for being someone you are not.

Yes I do look about 15. People are always asking how old I am and when I say 21 they usually think I am lying. I like to think that not looking my age will come in handy when I am in my 50's ^_^. I guess I look 15 because I rarely wear makeup... I do not think that will work the same way when I am 50....I will probably have to learn how to wear makeup to look younger by then.

So now you kind of know who I am. So what is the purpose of my blog? Well most importantly the PJ Princess is a dreamer! I have big ideas, but I am stuck in a small town. So I am going to use my blog to share my ideas and my photography. Hopefully, I can find my purpose in life, get out of this small town, and move on to helping others. What can a 21 year old do to help others? Be sure to follow my blogs to come, and you will soon find out!

~PJ Princess
~~~~It takes one stone to start a takes one idea to change the world!